Discovering My Ancestors

Our Family's Journey Through Time

Place List


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Top 30 largest localities (total places):

USA (1,317)
England (122)
Germany (32)
Ireland (13)
France (8)
Northern Ireland (6)
Canada (4)
Scotland (3)
Switzerland (3)
MO) (2)
Roquebrune-Cap-Martin Cemetery (2)
Riverside Cemtery (Crete) (2)
Riverside Cemetery (Iowa) (2)
Cove Burying Ground (2)
Park Cemetery (Missouri) (2)
Unknown (2)
Old North Burying Ground (2)
Old Depauville Cemetery (2)
Old Burying Ground (Cambridge) (2)
Oakdale Memorial Gardens (2)
Orleans Cemetery (2)
CA) (2)
Mount Olivet Cemetery (2)
Old Town Cemetery (2)
Netherlands (2)
Mount Hope Cemetery (2)
Knowlton Cemetery (2)
Rose HIll Cemetery (2)
Glen Valley Cemetery (2)
(Cremated) (2)
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